Avg Rating: 4.7
Brett Rossi
Vital Stats:
May 21, 1989
Fun Fact:
Brett Rossi was born & raised in SoCal
Astrological Sign:
Brett Rossi began her adult career in 2011. She was briefly engaged to Charlie Sheen but this hot, big titted blonde wasn't cooped up for too long. She's smoking hot and you'll love to watch her cum!
Brett is a work of art. Usually once the hot ones set their minds to a plan they don't stray. Brett just did a B/G interracial on a newer site I don't want to advertise but it's named after a color. JULES, NOW THAT SHE IS AT PEACE WITH THE IDEA OF DOING MEN AND INTERRACIAL NO LESS GET HER ON A MANDINGO MARATHON. THAT'S WORTH HAVING AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION TO ME. DON'T DRAG YOUR FEET, PLEASE!!!!!