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Hot Latina Lasirena69 Shows Manuel All Her Curves

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Re the Female Talent in "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22: LS's career trajectory is unusual. According to the blurb that accompanies the movie: "She has her bachelor's in Marketing"; "Lasirena69 was born in Venezuela and got her start in porn in 2019. She first moved to the US to learn English then became a radio host before getting into the industry"; "Lasirena69 started out just doing cam shows but got into porn because it allows her to be herself." In addition to this biographical information, the blurb also provides a wonderful description of the garments and footwear that JJV is providing her: "[LS"s body] fits her delicious bikini lingerie that’s lime green and see-through with strawberries nestled in all the right places. Green and purple glitter high heels to round things off." What about JJV's recent 2.5-month trend of providing us a series of YHC's (Young Hot Cuties) and YHCB's (Young Hot Cuties with Boobs)? According to the blurb, LS is 30-years young; she stands only 5' tall; her measurements are 36D-24-36. Because she can easily pass as less than 30-years young, she stands only 5' tall, and she sports a pair of D cups, our view is that she DOES qualify as a YHCB but not as a YHCNB (Young Hot Cutie Newbie with Boobs), as she has been in the business since 2019, and she has earned 140 Performer Credits to date, per IAFD. Also, according to IAFD, LS is a.k.a. La Sirena69, Lasirena69, Antonella, Antonella La Sirena, Antonella Lasirena, La Sirena, Maria Antonella, La Sirena 69.
Re the Trailer for "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22: the Trailer provides additional confirmation of our suspicion that JJV has hired a talented professional to edit the site's productions. We especially like the interweaving of the audio track with the video. But are the sex scenes hot enough to entice us to spend considerable time reviewing the full movie? Our answer is that, even if it does suggest that it is mostly about the supporting actor jackhammering the star of the show, as if she is merely his personal fuck toy, we also observe that it includes a number of clips during which a) LS appears to be thoroughly enjoying herself b) LS is handling the driving. Our additional evidence that LS enjoys having MF as her partner is that this is her 2nd appearance with him. Her 1st ("Busty Nympho Lasirena69 Opens Her Ass For Manuel") was on 7/27/20.
Review 1/4 of "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22. @023, which is 1-2 seconds earlier than usual for the 1st frame of a JJV production, the site's self-described "professional perverts" introduce us to an indoor setting that we may not have viewed before. In the foreground, we observe what appears to be a shiny hardwood floor. In the mid-ground, there appears to be a newly-acquired platform for fucking. Because its surface is only knee-high from the floor, and it is narrow enough for the female talent to straddle, our immediate reaction is to hope that the movie may feature LS riding MF in proper cowgirl. By "proper," we mean she will plant both her feet on the floor, which will allow us to fantasize that she is standing in stirrups, while she buries the horn of her steed's saddle deeply within her cunt. Early in her ride, LS will move in and out of the horn slowly and sensually, which will allow us to fantasize that she and her steed are merely trotting at a leisurely pace. Later, she will augment her in-and-out movements with some hot G and T (Grinding and Twerking), together with hot facial expressions. Because she will be standing upright on the floor, both hands will be free to, say, deploy one to stroke her clit and the other to alternately apply TLS (Tonguing Licking Sucking) to her finger and then, once it is dripping with saliva, stroke the nipples of her D cups. Apart from this new platform for fucking that we have not seen before, the setting also includes a very large, rectangular, vintage-style mirror, trimmed with an elaborate white frame that suggests it has been hand-carved. The reflection in the large mirror reveals that the tall, dark figurine at the far left in the foreground of the frame is positioned in front of a stairway. This stairway DOES look somewhat familiar; it may be the stairway that is located in what we believe is JJ's personal residence. In the very deep background, we observe a Navy-blue, very large couch that we are not certain we have viewed before. Positioned to the rear of the couch, we observe what appears to be a floor-to-ceiling dark curtain that is only partially obscuring a number of large floor-to-ceiling windows that open onto a verdant outdoor view. Because we are observing, at the base of this dark curtain, what appear to be reflections of the spotlights on the ceiling above, it seems there is a mirror positioned between the rear of the couch and the curtain that is partially covering the floor-to-ceiling windows. Snip! @024-043, our videographer provides us a clip in which LS saunters into the set from stage left, specifically, from a position near the Navy-blue couch in the background, to position herself, first, in doggy on the platform for fucking. Next, she moves into a sitting position that includes both feet on the floor, as if to prove to us that she IS capable of straddling it. For us to say that we are super-excited by the prospect of observing such an over-the-top-hot woman fucking MF in proper cowgirl is an understatement. (Continued)
Review 2/4 of "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22. We are snipping@043. Snip! @458, our editor begins a new clip with a fade to white that features the star of the show ascending a stairway. Because of the manner in which the camera's lens is locked-on to LS's swaying phatass buttcheeks as she ascends, we suspect that the videographer may be none other than JJ, whose fascination not to say obsession with the female booty is well-known, worldwide. We are snipping@459. Snip! Also noteworthy about this screen-capture is that, JJV's self-described "perverted professionals" are once again choosing NOT to apply makeup to the body of the female talent, nor are they providing her hair any special treatment. Only LS's face exhibits makeup. It could be our imagination, but it seems that the instances of the female talents being presented in the raw like this, occur more often when MF is the male talent. If that is true, we are guessing that his preference for raw meat may have originated in the Frenchman's native country. (Steak tartare, a dish that features raw beef, has its origin in France.) @520, the video's editor begins a new clip with a fade from black that captures LS at the moment she emerges from the top of the stairway, into a set that we do not recall having seen before. There is a bed with an exceedingly firm-appearing mattress, positioned at the center of the room. At the head of the bed, there is a long, white tube-shaped pillow that is too large in circumference to be used for lying flat on either one's back or stomach. Our guess is that its purpose is to allow coupling couples to have a place to rest their heads while viewing whatever actions they are at that moment performing; for example, to allow LS to observe MF while he is dining at her Y. We are snipping@533. Snip! Less than 2 minutes later,@720, LS is already naked, in doggy, but for her footwear and flaunting her bald cunt and package in our faces. Snip! @900, the accompanying audio track fades away, and we are left solely with the soft moans that SL is uttering, while fingering her clit and gazing through the camera lens into our eyes. Next, @908, MF enters the set from stage left. The couple's first contact consists of MF applying TLS to the right cheek of LS's face. She is reacting by closing her eyes and gaping her mouth. Snip! Less than 2 minutes later,@1051, MF is already fueling himself for the upcoming activities by dining on warmed cunt, washed down with fragrant cunt juices. The enthusiasm with which he is dining suggests that he is, indeed, turned-on by raw meat. LS is reacting by separating her thighs as widely as possible, to allow him maximal access to the meal she is proudly serving him. Snip! @1725, following a lengthy and exceedingly enthusiastic application by LS of TLS to his FUC (Fat Uncut Cock), MF expresses his gratitude for LS's expert TLS by proceeding directly to what we call Manuel Mode, meaning a version of the spooning position that involves providing his partner multiple sensations simultaneously. (Continued)
Review 3/4 of "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22. @1728, we observe that he is simultaneously: inserting his FUC into LS's cunt; caressing her left elbow area; and whispering in her right ear. Snip! @1735, our expert videographer zooms our eyes in to provide us a close-up view of LS gaping her mouth widely as she mouths a husky but very loud moan, which is worth saving not only as a screen-capture (still photo) but also as a clip, from@1725 to at least 1755, as we wish to capture not only MF telling her how tight her cunt is, in French, but also LS agreeing in Spanish Snip! The close-up@1747 is also worth a screen-capture, because of its depiction of LS caressing the back of MF's right hand with her own right, while he is holding her right ear in close proximity to his mouth. Snip! Though LS is clearly enjoying MF fucking her slowly and sensually,@1758 MF is already jackhammering her. @1825, he augments his jackhammering of her cunt, and his caressing of her left elbow area, with fingering of her package and clit, which means he is bombarding the receptors in her brain, simultaneously, with sensations emanating from 3 different origins. We are snipping@1827. Snip! @1940, in an effort to directly massage LS's G spot with his FUC, MF rotates her onto her left side, which will allow him to angle his BWC toward the front of her cunt. LS's hot facial expression suggests she very much likes this decision. Snip! @2008, our expert videographer provides us a close-up view that confirms MF is angling in the appropriate direction to elicit an unleashing. Snip! @2105, after observing that his jackhammering is failing to get LS off, MF encourages her to mount him in cowgirl. Our videographer provides us a profile POV of the couple as they are just beginning to couple. Snip! Only 10 seconds later,@2117, our videographer has relocated our eyes to the rear of the coupling couple, to provide us a POV that depicts LS's cunt as it is about to begin its descent from the tip of MF's FUC in the direction of his balls. Snip! Sad to observe, instead of allowing LS to ride him in whatever manner she pleases, which would allow us to fantasize that she is a girl on a horse, MF once again jackhammers her, as if he is a bucking bronco at a rodeo who is attempting to unseat his rider. We will fast-forward in search of LS being encouraged to ride in whatever manner she pleases to get herself off. @2535, following a prolonged TLS session that includes some rimming, MF encourages LS to mount him in reverse cowgirl. Snip! But, sad to once again observe, the supporting actor immediately begins to jackhammer the star of the show, instead of encouraging the star of the show to ride him in whatever manner SHE pleases. We are fast-forwarding. @2905, after encouraging LS to ride him in the manner she prefers, while he enjoys the view of her rising and falling butthole, MF abruptly disengages to stand at the side at the foot of the bed to request TLS of his FUC. We will fast-forward. (Continued)
Review 4/4 of "Hot Latina La Sirena Shows Manuel All Her Curves"-DOR 3/01/22. @2940, with 6'12" at most remaining, MF positions LS in doggy. Our videographer captures this with a profile POV that is worth snipping, as it depicts LS's facial expression in reaction to having her cunt invaded by an FUC. Snip! @3305, after discovering that jackhammering LS in doggy is no more helpful than jackhammering her in any other position in terms of getting her off, MF repositions her in missionary, applies TLS to her left great toe, and continues to jackhammer her. There are at most 2'42" remaining. The evidence that LS is more-than-ready to get off is that,@3315, she deploys the fingers of her right hand to stroke her own clit. We are snipping@3318. Snip! "You know what I want," says MF@3335, "give it to me!" Beginning@3410, LS repeatedly gapes her mouth widely and protrudes her tongue to its maximum extent, as if to suggest that she is inviting MF to unload in her mouth. We are snipping@3416. Snip! @3509, after MF utters some words that are unintelligible to us, LS reacts by dropping to her knees, tilting her head back, gaping her mouth widely, and extending her tongue to its maximum length, at a distance of about 3 inches from the tip of MF's FUC. Though he does unload in LS's mouth, she reacts by immediately spitting out each volley. @3529, she begins a clean-up operation. @3546, not long before the fade-to-black, our videographer provides us a close-up view of LS's right D cup. From this close-up POV, we can say that, if LS chose this location for surgical placement of her boob bags, there is scant evidence of it. Our guess is that she is one of those rare women whose skin exhibits minimal scarring following a surgical procedure. Snip! @3551, immediately before the fade-to-black, LS and our videographer team up to provide us one last 2/3 view of her face, complete with MF's troops dripping from her chin, as she gazes through the camera lens into our eyes. Snip! CONCLUSIONS: a) because MF got off but LS did not, despite she desperately wanted to, we feel obligated to subtract -2.0 from the 5.0 at which the movie began b) because this is a movie which features the supporting actor treating the star of the show as if she is his personal fuck toy, we are mystified by the finding that, as of 3/4/22@0845PST, which is fully 3 days following the DOR, subscribers have awarded the movie a Thumbs Up of only 83.3% and an Average Rating of only 4.2/5.0. We write "mystified," because of the evidence we have seen, previously, that this type of movie is popular amongst many JJV subscribers. (End)
hell yeah
more of her please
ADDENDUM: Whoa! As of this moment (3/7/22@111 a.m. PST), which is fully 6 days following the DOR, the Thumbs Up have dropped from 83.3% to 79.2%, and the Average Rating from 4.2 to 4.0/5.0. But why? Could it be that, like us, many members are weary of viewing movies that feature non-stop jackhammering of the stars of the shows? A more likely reason is that, as a result of LS and our videographer teaming up to provide us a super-hot, locked-on view of her phatass booty as she ascended the stairway, we assumed that anal penetration is sure to follow, but it did not happen.