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Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel

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I love the piercings.
Re the Trailer for "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22: JJV has discovered for us yet another young and hot newbie! B. 4/28/2000 somewhere in the USA, 21-years young 5'6" 121 lbs. 34B-??-?? Latin-American AR (a.k.a. Apryl Rain, Izza, May) has earned only 7 Performer Credits to date, not including for today's production. Her body art consists of the following: "Flower on the stem on right shoulderblade [sic]; (2021) Animal silhouettes on left side of abdomen (under left breast)." She also wears a piercing of her septum (all data per iafd). Though she has earned only 7 credits to date, the Notes column of iafd lists the following on-camera repertoire: Anal Swallow A2M; Creampie; LezOnly; Facial. Though the Trailer suggests that this particular production is targeted toward those subscribers who enjoy viewing the male talent jackhammering the female talent in various positions as if she is his personal fuck toy, which is not our cup of tea, we are viewing the full version anyway, because we enjoy JJV's consistently-high production quality (audiography, hair/makeup, setting, and videography) in addition to the fab Trailers.
Review 1/5 of "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22. @024, the show begins with AR entering the set, which we have not seen before, from stage right. Our very 1st observation is that her footwear color-coordinates with the hardwood floor upon which she is treading. Her garments are the same as reviewed in the Trailer, but the background is unfamiliar to us. In addition to a bright-white wall, there are a large, white, rectangular artwork on the wall and what appears to be a purely decorative piece of furniture below it, on the floor; but given that this is a JJV production, it may be a new addition to the studio's collection of platforms for fucking. @027, just before she arrives at the center of the frame, AR rotates her head to her left to gaze through the camera lens to make eye-to-eye contact with us viewers, which means we already very much like this movie. The other aspect of a screen-capture at this moment that makes it worthy of a must-save is our profile view of the full length of AR's 5'6" body, which is slim and trim, indeed. Snip! @104, our videographer zooms our eyes in to AR's face to reveal that she possesses a pair of very attractive, shapely, thick lips, the upper of which forms a wonderful cupid's bow. MF will enjoy those, for sure. Snip! Unsurprisingly for a JJV production,@108 AR and our videographer are already teaming up to provide us a close-up view of her booty. This is followed,@147, by a view of AR widely separating her thighs, in a variation of missionary, to provide us a view of her package, even if it continues to be covered by a thong that is thin enough for us to see through it. Noteworthy, in general, about this particular production is that JJV is presenting AR essentially "as is," meaning with facial make-up but no make-up on her body and no special hairstyling. We are curious whether this might be at MF's request. @810, after providing us a prolonged floor show, followed by her ascension of the world-famous stairway that is located in what we believe is JJ's personal residence, AR arrives in an upstairs room in which there is located what appears to be a king-size bed with a firm mattress. @813, what is different about the room in this particular instance is a) we do not recall viewing this particular set of bronze -colored furnishings before b) the shades on the windows of the wall to the right of the room are drawn. With her full-length body turned away , AR is gazing backward over her right shoulder to continue her eye contact with us, as if she wishes to verify that we are still watching her. Snip! @826, after positioning herself in a kneeling position in the center of the fucking platform with a huge grin, AR removes her upper garment to reveal that she has piercings of both nipples, each of which appears, in this POV from down low gazing upward, to be about ¼ inch in length. Snip! (Continued)
Review 2/5 of "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22. @855, after also removing her lower garment, AR and our videographer team up to provide us a relatively close-up view of her bald package and butthole, with the exception of her clit, our view of which is blocked by the middle finger of her right hand. Snip! We are overjoyed to observe that AR and our videographer are taking us viewers on a THOROUGH guided tour of her body PRIOR TO the entry of the male talent into the scene. What this means is that, even if the male talent turns out to be one who is so enthralled by his partner that he gloms onto her package and butthole without 1st showing them to us; we can live with it; even if it does demonstrate that he is UNAWARE that the purpose of adult entertainment is to entertain the viewers before himself. @0900, a new clip begins that features AR already in doggy, wearing nothing but her thigh-high, black stockings and, possibly, her footwear (they are not viewable in this image), as it is common knowledge that, in most JJV productions, the female talents tend to continue to wear their footwear throughout the movie. Oops! We stand corrected! Precisely at the moment we completed that last sentence,@920, AR deploys her right arm and hand to remove and discard from the scene both shoes. Simultaneously, she gazes through the camera lens into our eyes with a haughty facial expression that seems to be saying, "I am different!" Snip! (To say that she appears especially hot in this image would be an understatement.) On the other hand, her message might be, "I am removing these shoes now, because I am about to engage in some wild, super-hot fucking with Manuel Ferrara and his world-famous Fat Uncut Cock (FUC), which means the heels of these shoes could be dangerous " @954, after retrieving a relatively-small, pink buttplug from a nearby nightstand, AR, without 1st applying lubrication, inserts the device into her Latina-American butthole. Given that the movie does not include any anal sex, we are curious to learn what this action symbolizes. (Everything that happens in a JJV production, happens for a reason.) @1234, MF enters the scene from stage left and bends forward to make eye-to-eye contact with his butt-plugged partner. Our guess is that his 1st point of contact will be AR's thick lips. Snip! Yup! @1245, after 1st slapping her left butt cheek with his right hand, the hot couple locks lips with one another. Snip! AR reacts by rolling from her right side into missionary and spreading her thighs widely, as if to invite MF to finger her clit. When he does so, she repeatedly makes eye-to-eye contact with us via the camera lens while continuing to lock lips with him, as if she wishes to ascertain that we are continuing to watch her. Next,@1304, while continuing to stroke her package, MF gloms onto her right neck. (Continued)
Review 3/5 of "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22. AR once again briefly glances in our direction, as if to acknowledge our presence, which we do very much appreciate. @1325, while kissing her right cheek, MF inserts the 3rd and 4th fingers of his right hand into her vagina in the direction of her G spot. Our expert videographer captures not only this action but also, in the background, AR's facial reaction to having her G spot massaged, including her widely-gaping mouth. @1400, when AR is continuing to gaze through the camera lens into our eyes, MF redirects his mouth from AR's right neck to her package. What we hope to see is that, in addition to sharing a meal with her, MF continues dining at her Y until he gets her off, as this will cause the muscles surrounding her vagina to tighten significantly. The result will be that the eventual fucking will be far more pleasurable for both of them, PROVIDED MF does NOT engage in his usual jackhammering. Once the vaginal muscles have become tightened, it is time to be the tortoise rather than the hair, so each of them may experience maximal pressure from each stroke. @1500, though AR does not formally announce it, it appears from the undulating of her body and the sounds of her loud whimpers that she may have just gotten off. @1510, after flipping AR into a prone position, MF appears to be contemplating whether to leave the buttplug in place while applying TLS to her package, or 1st remove it. Snip! @1600, which is when MF stands fully erect on the side of the bed and drops his jeans, AR instantly reacts by inspecting the tip of his FUC prior to applying TLS to it. @1945, after experiencing a prolonged and very skillful TLS not only his bat but also his balls, we are a bit surprised to observe MF, so soon in the movie, positioning AR's body in his version of the spooning position that we call Manuel Mode. After 1st inserting his FUC into her awaiting cunt, MF appears to be whispering into her right ear from a distance of about 6 inches; she is reacting by touching the tip of her right index finger to the tip of her nose, as if she is contemplating how to answer a question that he has just posed. Snip! Sad to say, despite our observation that AR's screams indicate she is is thoroughly enjoying fingering her clit while MF hardly moves his FUC inside her cunt,@2100 he begins to jackhammer her, when his reaction should logically be to continue what he is already doing. After 2'35':minutes of nearly-continuous jackhammering, and MF invites AR to mount him in cowgirl. Our expert videographer reacts by immediately relocating our eyes to AR's rear, with the buttplug, not surprisingly, located at the exact center of the frame. We are snipping@2335. Snip! After moving slowly in and out of AR's butt-plugged cunt for 10 seconds,@2345 MF once again resumes his jackhammering. (Continued)
Review 4/5 of "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22. We will fast-forward in search of AR, who should rightly be doing the driving, now that she is on top in cowgirl. @2435, following an additional full minute of jackhammering, MF encourages AR to "ride on it." Our expert videographer reacts by providing us not only a profile view of the coupling couple straight-ahead but also a reflected view in a mirror on the far left of the room that reveals the rear portion of AR's body in cowgirl. Unsurprisingly, only 15 seconds later,@2500, MF is once again jackhammering AR. We will fast-forward, as what we hope to see is AR getting off, not continuous jackhammering of her. @2610, after MF has encouraged AR to ride him the way SHE likes, which is slowly and sensually while fingering her clit, she announces, "I am going to cum on that, cock." "Yeah do it, you know what I want, DO it!" MF replies. But then, only 7 seconds later, he says, "it is my turn" and begins once again to jackhammer her. We are fast-forwarding. @2635 MF encourages AR to drive "like that, slow." Also noteworthy about this moment is, now that her buttplug has fallen out, our videographer is providing us a well-focused, well-lit view of AR's nasty butthole. Snip! "Why is that pussy so wet?" MF inquires. "Because of your big dick," AR replies. @2659, after MF pushes AR backward into an upright position while she is still in cowgirl, she reacts by engaging in G & T (grinding and twerking) and then promptly unleashes, with loud screams from her widely-gaping mouth and protruding tongue. She continues to cum for 13 continuous seconds, from 2659 until 2712. We are snipping multiple screen-captures from those 13 seconds. Snip! @2720, MF roles AR onto her left side and resumes jackhammering her in the direction of her G spot, in an effort to prolong her ecstasy. "Whose pussy is that?" "It is YOUR pussy," AR screams. MF reacts by locking onto her LLLs (Luscious Latina Lips). From@2815-2827, which is when MF is once again dining at her Y, our ever-alert videographer reacts by providing us 12 continuous seconds of AR repeatedly screaming, "oh my God" at the top of her voice, while her facial expressions and the jerks of her body suggest that she is getting off for a 2nd or 3rd time, even more powerfully than earlier. @3105, MF repositions himself in a reclining position to signify that he is ready for some TLS of his balls and bat. AR reacts by immediately directing her attention, 1st, to his balls. When he says, "you know what I want," AR reacts by rimming his butthole, with enthusiasm. We are snipping@3116. Snip! As we were expecting he would,@3240, MF encourages AR to "turn around and show me that booty. Next, he encourages her to back into him in a variation of reverse cowgirl that will allow him (and us) to view her gaping, rising, and falling butthole as she rides him. (Continued)
Review 5/5 of "Apryl Rein Gets Drilled By Manuel"-DOR 2/05/22. We are snipping@3243, as at this moment our videographer is also providing us a nifty reflection in a mirror of AR's front side as she is backing into him. Snip! @3325, just when AR appears to be about to get herself off as a result of slowly and sensually riding MF's FUC, while fingering her clit, MF reacts by resuming his jackhammering. Because AR's pose and facial expression are over-the-top-hot, we are snipping@3325. Snip! @3627, just when AR appears to be slowly and sensually riding herself into another unleashing, MF says, "come suck it," presumably to avoid cumming when there are still over 4 minutes remaining in the movie. As if she is an experienced professional rather than a newbie, AR graciously reacts by administering TLS to his stiffy as requested, without a hint of disappointment that she did not get off. @3750, at MF's request, AR positions herself, in doggy, at the edge of the bed. He reacts by jackhammering her at the fastest pace we have seen thus far in the movie. @3921, there are, at most, exactly 2 minutes remaining. "Get down," MF requests@4010. AR reacts by immediately falling to her knees on the hardwood floor and wrapping her LLLs around the tip of MF's FUC. In view of the fact that, when she removed her footwear, it occurred to us that she might be preparing for some wild, super-hot sex, now that this has in fact happened with MF, it seems likely that AR will swallow the entirety of his load for the finale. There are only at most 1'10" remaining. Nope! Instead, she allows the small portion that actually landed in her mouth to drip from her lower lip onto her chin. Sad to say, though we are expecting that AR will gaze into our eyes once more before the fade, it does not happen. CONCLUSION: because a) the Trailer suggests that this is going to a boring movie featuring the male talent jackhammering his partner as if she is his personal fuck toy b) but it turns out to be more than that, a lot more, including c) AR loudly getting off at least twice, we are comfortable with JJV's subscribers' current Thumbs Up of 100.0% and Average Rating of 5.0. This movie provides concrete evidence of what we have long suspected: JJV is fully capable of producing movies that can satisfy BOTH those subscribers who enjoy watching the male talents jackhammer their partners AND those of us who prefer to observe the female talents loudly getting off. Bravo! (End)
Veeery nice Scene April Rein is a very beautyful Girl. I love the setting too. This is High Quality Porn
Machi Chase
Apryl is fantastic ! Would love to see Ryan Reid and Manuel !
What a great slut. I want to see more of her.